People of different nationalities are discussing at a table. © pressmaster /

Promoting good governance and supporting reforms

Support to Inclusive Governance and Reform Processes in Lebanon

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  • Client

    German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

  • Country
  • Political sponsors


  • Runtime

    2025 to 2028

  • Products and expertise

    Governance and democracy


Since 2019 Lebanon has gone through a number of far-reaching crises: social protest movements, financial and economic crises, the explosion in the port in 2020, and the conflict that started in 2023. As a direct consequence, over 80 per cent of Lebanese people now live in multidimensional poverty, regarding both income and access to health and educational systems.

There is a lack of state services, both from the central government and municipalities. The political stalemate and the power vacuum are hindering important reforms, for example in terms of good governance and anti-corruption.

In this difficult situation, there is a tense relationship between the people and the Government. People’s trust in the Government is strained, as accountability, transparency and capability are not ensured and citizens cannot participate appropriately.


Lebanese governance is improved in terms of accountability, transparency, participation and performance management.


The project has three priority areas of action.

  1. It supports the national government in implementing central reforms. This includes assisting the National Anti-Corruption Commission and the Public Procurement Authority.
  2. In selected municipalities the project promotes inclusion of citizens (particularly young people and women) in planning and developing better services. The goal is to make available again improved (digital) services, including at community level.
  3. The project also supports civil society organisations and young journalists in their function as watchdogs, to require transparency and accountability in governmental action. For example, they identify problems and reference protective measures, such as the Access to Information Act and the Whistle Blower Protection Law.

Date: November 2024