Promoting stability by addressing transnational organised crime in West African border regions
Support to the Mitigation of Destabilizing Effects of Transnational Organised Crime (M-TOC)
German Federal Foreign Office
Political sponsors
2024 to 2025
Global Initiative Against Transnational Organised Crime (GI TOC)
Products and expertise
Security, reconstruction and peace

In recent years, the security situation in much of West Africa and the Sahel has deteriorated. Increased political instability has allowed non-state armed groups, both criminal and extremist, to consolidate control and expand operations. Consequently, their growing influence increasingly affects the northern border regions of some coastal states like Côte d'Ivoire and Ghana. Weak governance, social, economic, and political grievances, along with perceived exclusion and transnational organised crime (TOC), further fuel instability in the region.

Important state and non-state actors in border regions enhance stability through targeted measures against transnational organised crime.
In an integrated approach, the project combines traditional security responses with community resilience measures and research on the intersection of illicit economies and instability. The main areas of action include:
- Partnering with law enforcement agencies: The project enhances the investigation and prosecution of transnational organised crime and improves cross-border cooperation in known illicit economy hubs.
- Applying conflict-sensitive strategies: To prevent counterproductive impacts on affected communities, the project implements conflict-sensitive and human-rights based approaches to law enforcement conduct in response to illicit economies.
- Building community resilience: The project works with local organisations to disrupt connections between communities and organised crime networks and armed groups by providing alternative livelihood options while increasing awareness of the risks involved in criminal activities.
- Facilitating mediation and security solutions: The project engages law enforcement in addressing security related grievances and promoting mediation within border communities to decrease dependence on organised crime for security and livelihoods.
- Enhancing research and awareness: The project supports regional research bodies as well as investigative journalists in studying transnational organised crime, aiming to inform policy-making and raise awareness nationally and regionally.
Last update: August 2024