A lake in a green landscape with mountains in the background. © Jesper Anhede

Supporting partnerships for the sustainable use of natural resources

Natural Resources Stewardship Programme II (NatuReS II)

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  • Client

    German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

  • Political sponsors


  • Runtime

    2023 to 2026

  • Products and expertise

    Climate, environment, management of natural resources

A man pins words to a board while another man speaks. Others listen.


Economic growth often comes at the expense of the environment and social justice. For example, scarce and over-exploited natural resources like water in Ethiopia, Zambia, South Africa and Tanzania create social, environmental and economic risks. This also leads to conflict.

Those affected – the public sector, the private sector and civil society – should therefore be involved in deciding how resources are used. Furthermore, fair, efficient and climate-adapted use of resources requires the involvement of all social groups. This can contribute to resolving and preventing conflicts over natural resources.

So far in the cooperation countries, hardly any approaches have been established for a joint consensus to resolve the risks and conflicts fairly.


A stewardship approach has been established in partnerships in Ethiopia, Zambia, South Africa and Tanzania to support consensus-building for socio-environmental change.


The project focuses on a stewardship approach. This means that all users take responsibility for natural resources. They jointly develop solutions so that resources can be used fairly, efficiently and in a climate-adapted manner.

The project provides support to build partnerships between the private sector, public administration and civil society. It advises and facilitates between the various actors and creates a basis of trust. It thus contributes to successful cooperation and prevents conflicts. The project focuses on incorporating women and marginalised groups.

The partnerships jointly identify and develop measures to use natural resources sustainably and thus contribute to socially and environmentally just economic growth (just transition), with the private sector playing an important role. The project also improves the data basis with regard to using natural resources, thus contributing to greater transparency.

A woman instructs two other women at a metal hand-washing unit.

Last update: July 2024

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GIZ worldwide

Zambia flag


GIZ worldwide

South Africa Flag

South Africa

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Tanzania Flag


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Ethiopia flag
