Gaibandha Municipality Park features greenery and walking paths. © GIZ BD/Jasmin Remlinger

Promoting climate-resilient urban development using innovative approaches in Bangladesh (INCLUDE)

Innovations for Climate-smart Urban Development (INCLUDE)

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  • Client

    German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

  • Country
  • Political sponsors


  • Runtime

    2024 to 2027

  • Products and expertise

    Climate, environment, management of natural resources

People participate in the planning workshop Include in Rajshahi, India.© GIZ BD/Probir Palit


Bangladesh is one of the countries most affected by climate change. Impacts include heavy rainfall, flooding, cyclones, river erosion, heatwaves and other natural disasters. Every year, around 30 per cent of the land area is underwater due to monsoon rains and river floods. The climate change and the growth of informal settlements are creating complex problems in cities that cannot be adequately addressed due to limited resources and weak institutions. There is a lack of basic services, as well as insufficient affordable and needs-based infrastructure measures to make neighbourhoods more resilient to climate change and thus improve the urban population’s living conditions. Small and medium-sized cities do not have access to sufficient funds to implement climate-resilient infrastructure measures.

The exterior of the One-stop Service Centre (OSSC) in Charghat, Rajshahi, offering local services.© GIZ BD/Md. Mehdi Hasan


Climate-resilient urban development in Bangladesh is improving through locally led, innovative solutions.


The project pursues its goals by:

  • Developing locally led innovative measures to improve climate resilience within the framework of ‘Innovation Labs’ and implementing them in selected cities. These Innovation labs are problem-solving processes in which innovation is encouraged through the development of ideas, implementation and knowledge sharing. The focus is on user-centric, agile methods.
  • Peer-to-peer exchange and mutual learning between cities on climate-resilient urban development.
  • Giving recommendations for the national policy framework for climate-resilient urban development to the central government based on the successful implementation of selected climate-resilience measures and an institutionalised dialogue.

Last update: July 2024

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