Working better together for good governance in Lao PDR
Citizen Engagement for Good Governance, Accountability and the Rule of Law (CEGGA II) in Lao PDR
German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), European Union (EU)
Political sponsors
2022 to 2025
Ministry of Justice (MoJ), National Assembly (NA), Provinces of Khammouane and Luang Prabang (Provincial Governor’s Offices, Provincial Departments of Home Affairs and of Justice, Provincial People’s Assemblies), Lao Civil Society Coordination Committee (LCCC), South-East Asia Clinical Legal Education (BABSEACLE), Cord, Helvetas, Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD)
Products and expertise
Governance and democracy

The Government of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic (PDR) is actively working to enhance good governance aiming for adherence to the rule of law and democratic principles. Accordingly, constitutional amendments, new laws, and decrees seek to involve citizens and civil society in the development dialogue with state actors. At the same time, parliamentarians and civil servants are called upon to realise their role and effectively involve citizens in inclusive and long-term national development.
The project Citizen Engagement for Good Governance, Accountability and the Rule of Law (CEGGA) plays a pivotal role in this endeavour. CEGGA aims to enhance governance and citizen engagement, in Lao PDR through broad and targeted initiatives.
Citizen-state interaction is enhanced for inclusive and long-term national development in Lao PDR.
The programme achieves its objectives through the following measures:
- Enhancing dialogue between civil society organisations (CSOs) and state institutions by supporting CSOs as development partners, introducing digital solutions for efficient CSO registration, and providing support to CSOs in effective community engagement.
- Promoting citizen-oriented procedures within the National Assembly and Provincial People’s Assemblies. This includes facilitating public engagement with gender-responsive digital tools, as well as improving mechanisms for providing demand-oriented information on gender equality, social inclusion, environmental protection, and the rights of vulnerable groups.
- Improving access to justice for citizens, which entails enhancing data collection on legal aid needs and strategies for reaching women and vulnerable groups, promoting clinical legal education for citizen-oriented legal aid provision, and raising awareness of Rule of Law principles within public administration.
The programme is co-funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and the European Union.

Last update: April 2024