Implementing the Uzbek health strategy
Supporting the implementation of the health strategy in Uzbekistan
German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Political sponsors
2024 to 2027
Products and expertise
Social development

The Uzbek Government introduced comprehensive health reforms in 2018. The reorganisation noticeably improved quality of healthcare for the Uzbek population, which is reflected in the country’s corresponding health indicators. For example, the mortality rate of mothers and infants was reduced. Despite the progress made, the number of deaths in childbirth remains too high according to international standards.
The conditions for implementing the Uzbek Health Strategy 2030 have been further improved.

The project supports the Uzbek Government in further expanding healthcare provision for the Uzbek population. To this end, it works together with specialists, managers and medical staff from important healthcare institutions. The aim is to improve the conditions for the introduction of the new Health Strategy 2030. This includes:
- Expanding the state health insurance fund
- Improving care for newborns in specialised healthcare facilities
- Introducing vocational training programmes for technical health staff
- Monitoring infectious diseases more effectively
Last update: March 2024