A worker operates machinery in a factory, handling a large yellow plastic pipe. © GIZ

Supporting the green economy transition in Jordan

Green Action in Enterprises

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  • Client

    German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

  • Country



  • Political sponsors

    Jordan, Ministry of Environment

    Jordan - Ministry of Environment

  • Runtime

    2020 to 2027

  • Involved

    Ministry of Industry

    Ministry of Industry, Trade and Supply

  • Products and expertise

    Economic development and employment

A worker in a factory operating a machine.© GIZ


Jordan’s economy is facing enormous challenges, including resource scarcity, rising energy prices and high unemployment. Limited local demand is putting added pressure on the country to adhere to international standards and be globally competitive. Companies are becoming increasingly aware of the pressure. In addition, the government is formulating ambitious goals for a green economy, particularly in Jordan’s Economic Modernisation Vision 2033.

A man operating machinery in a factory setting.


The transition to an inclusive green economy is gathering pace and improving the quality of life throughout Jordan.


The project adopts a multi-layered approach:

  • It develops policy instruments, creates incentives and initiates programmes designed to promote the green economy transition and supports the ministries of environment and industry in the process.
  • It promotes environmentally friendly technologies, resource efficiency measures and green business models, as well as the development of green products and services, which will create more green and inclusive industrial jobs. Special support is provided for women and people with disabilities as valued workers.
  • It improves access to financial support services for investing in the green economy.

The project is being implemented together with the consulting firms adelphi, GFA Consulting Group, ECO Consult, Chemonics Egypt and Cewas. The measures are incorporated into the plans of local partners in politics, from civil society, universities and the private sector.

Last updated: February 2025

Group of women sitting around a conference table, engaged in discussion.

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