Reviving vocational education and training across Somalia
Rehabilitation of technical and vocational education and training (TVET) in Somalia
German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
European Union (EU)
Political sponsors
2018 to 2024
Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Ministry of Education, Culture, and Higher Education, Ministry of Commerce and Industry in the Federal Republic of Somalia; Federation of Somali Trade Unions; Somali Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Products and expertise
Economic development and employment

Over three decades of conflict in Somalia have disrupted political, economic, and social development, leaving fragile government structures and non-state actors in control of parts of the country. Over 69 per cent of Somalia’s 17 million residents live below the absolute poverty line of 1.9 US dollars per day, with 73 per cent under the age of 30 and 50 per cent under 15. This young population strains the technical and vocational education and training (TVET) system and labour market.
The existing TVET system lacks adequate programmes and resources to prepare young people for the labour market, which remains fragmented with limited coordination mechanisms. A shortage of qualified TVET personnel and overly theoretical curricula further hinder the effectiveness of the TVET system. Insufficient participation of employers in training exacerbates the challenges of the TVET system, particularly as the private sector is primarily composed of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises.

The supply of Somali skilled labour with basic and higher qualifications, especially in the energy sector, is increasingly aligned to labour market demand in selected areas in Somalia.
In pursuit of long-term development in Somalia's vocational education landscape, the project undertakes targeted interventions across four key areas:
- Capacity development of TVET centres: Enhancing five state vocational training centres to offer labour market-oriented programmes through facility upgrades and equipment procurement.
- Labour market-relevant training: Improving training quality for selected job profiles by developing modular programmes and enhancing instructor skills.
- Policy framework: Establishing a labour market-oriented TVET system, including assessments, framework development, and civil servant training.
- Active labour market policy measures: Increasing employability of 560 Somali youth in the renewable energy industry through micro-qualification programmes and entrepreneurship training.
Last update: March 2024