Supporting grid integration capacity for decentralised renewable energy sources in Bangladesh
Energy Efficiency and Grid Integration of Renewable Energy (EEGIRE II)
German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Political sponsors
2021 to 2024
Products and expertise
Sustainable infrastructure: water, energy, transport

The government of Bangladesh has fulfilled its commitment to ensure energy access for all citizens. The nation now boasts 25 gigawatts (GW) of installed capacity, compared to a peak consumption of more than 15 GW. Despite this achievement, voltage and frequency fluctuations persist in the power grid.
Integrating power from variable renewable energy sources, primarily solar power, poses additional challenges for the existing grid infrastructure and management. Inadequate general and technical framework conditions present a major barrier for stakeholders in integrating solar power into the electrical grid and improving efficiency.
The technical preconditions for further expansion of grid-connected decentralised solar power plants in Bangladesh have been improved.
The project supports respective organisations to increase the integration capacity of the grid for decentralised renewable energy sources by enhancing the grid management capability. It also aims to reduce greenhouse gas emission in a tangible manner. Additionally, the project supports the private industry and building sector to increase the use of renewable energy. Key measures include:
- Enabling selected distribution companies to operate their electricity grid more reliably with an increasing share of decentralised solar power plants, and more efficiently through increasing digitalisation.
- Systematically evaluating innovative instruments, processes or technologies designed to increase the share of decentralised solar power systems by utility companies.
- Supporting the national grid operator in Bangladesh to improve the stability of the transmission grid as a prerequisite for the expansion of grid-connected solar power plants.

Last update: Februar 2024