Improving climate resilience in agriculture in Cambodia and Viet Nam
Strengthening the resilience of poor population groups to climate change in selected ASEAN states, taking special account of the impact of COVID-19 in Cambodia and Viet Nam
German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Political sponsors
2021 to 2024
Partnership under the iDPP AMPLE AGRO PRODCUT CO., LTD, SHE AGROCAM PRODUCTS CO., LT, Handcrafted Cashew Nuts Stung Treng (HCST), OFI, Olam Outspan (Cambodia) Co. Ltd., Trouchou Upland Crop Development, and Aukorkei Agricultural Cooperative
Products and expertise
Rural Development and Agriculture

In Cambodia and Viet Nam, up to 70 per cent of the population work in the agricultural sector. However, climate change poses a serious threat to locally established agricultural production systems. More frequent droughts and floods, for example, lead to crop failures and endanger the livelihoods of people working in agriculture.
These extreme weather events have created awareness for the need to action. People working in agriculture are willing to apply more climate resilient cultivation practices and private businesses are aiming to take climate resilience into account in their business practices.
Climate resilience is enhanced in selected agricultural value chains.

The project works to improve climate resilience in the local cashew, coffee and cassava value chains. Farmers in selected regions receive training on good agricultural practices and climate resilience. To ensure the effective application of training concepts and materials it works together with private and public actors in agriculture. Particular focuses are poverty reduction and gender equality.
Furthermore, the project works to ensure that purchasing and processing companies are qualified as intermediaries in order to establish climate-resilient production methods. To this end, it collects and disseminates innovative ideas and concepts and promotes the national dialogue between the different actors.
Finally, the results will find their way into policies in the region through platforms as well as working groups of ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations).
Last update: February 2024