Harnessing the economic potential of Moroccans living abroad and other diaspora groups
Potential for migration, social and economic development in Morocco (POMIRE)
German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Political sponsors
2023 to 2026
Products and expertise
Security, reconstruction and peace
Remittances sent by Moroccans living abroad contribute significantly to Morocco’s development. However, there is a lack of investment in industries that add sustainable value.
Running a company in Morocco is associated with many challenges, including complicated administrative processes, as well as insufficient knowledge about and information on entrepreneurship.
In addition, there are many well educated and highly motivated people living in Morocco, especially from the sub-Saharan diaspora, whose potential for contributing to Morocco’s economic development should be leveraged more effectively.
The Moroccan Government and civil society organisations are successfully harnessing the potential of Moroccans living abroad and other diaspora groups for Morocco’s long-term economic development.

The project operates in the following areas:
- It supports the economic engagement of the Moroccan diaspora living in Europe by improving services as well as expanding state and civil society structures in Morocco.
- With additional advisory staff, it builds up the competencies of state and civil society structures in the pilot region Tangier-Tétouan-Al Hoceima, thereby supporting the socio-economic integration of Moroccans living abroad and the diaspora living in Morocco.
- The project also works to enhance knowledge about setting up and expanding businesses.
Last update: December 2023