Supporting administrative reform in Serbia

Support to public administration reform in the EU accession process in Serbia

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  • Client

    German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

  • Country
  • Political sponsors


  • Runtime

    2023 to 2026

  • Involved

    The General Secretariat of the Government (GSG), Human Resource Management Service of the Government (HRMS), Public Policy Secretariat (PPS)

  • Products and expertise

    Governance and democracy


The Serbian government recognises accession to the European Union (EU) and the reform of its public administration as key priorities. Efficient public administration will not only enhance citizens’ well-being but will also enable the economy to develop and grow.

The country has taken significant steps in this direction over the past few years. Nevertheless, important work lies ahead in terms of optimising public services, human resources management in the public sector, policy impact assessment, and managing EU accession negotiations.


The Serbian administration is better prepared for integration into the EU, especially with regard to a stronger focus on citizens’ needs.

Participants in a panel discussion.


The project supports national authorities in making public administration more citizen oriented, efficient and evidence based. It tackles topics that are part of the Serbian reform agenda in the field of public administration.

The project supports the optimisation and digitalisation of services for citizens;

  • cooperates with the partners on the introduction of citizen-oriented administrative services;
  • provides advice for the further professionalisation of the public sector and for improving consultation mechanisms, in order to increase citizen participation in the legislative process and in developing new strategies and programmes;
  • advises the Ministry of European Integration in better coordinating the EU accession negotiations;
  • supports the partners in creating reports that are easier to understand in order to increase the transparency of the EU integration process;
  • supports Serbian institutions to improve coherency between planning documents, so that citizens have a better understanding of governance.

Last update: November 2023