Systematically implementing the inclusion of persons with disabilities in international cooperation
Global programme on Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities
German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Global and regional (Africa and Asia)
2023 to 2025
Products and expertise
Social development

The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities requires the State Parties, including Germany, to make their development measures inclusive. The 2030 Agenda and its guiding principle of leaving no one behind also emphasises that inclusion is crucial to achieving long-term development goals. Although much has already been done in recent years, people with disabilities are still not taken into sufficient account in development measures.
Yet the topic is highly relevant: About one in six people in parts of the Global South live with a disability. Many experience exclusion, violence and poverty, are less likely to have access to education, employment and public services, and are especially vulnerable in crisis situations. Women and girls in particular are often denied basic rights.
Inclusion is key to the economic and social development of societies. The potential is enormous, given that accessibility, digital innovations, more social justice and better training improve the quality of life for all.

More people with disabilities worldwide benefit from development measures implemented by German and international actors.
The global programme
- supports the German Government and the co-hosts Jordan and the International Disability Alliance in organising the Global Disability Summit 2025 in Berlin;
- highlights potential for inclusion, promotes awareness and imparts knowledge on the practical implementation of inclusion;
- advises and networks government, private sector and civil society actors with the aim of increasing the number of inclusive development measures.
All activities explicitly consider gender equality and address different forms of discrimination. The project always works closely with people with disabilities and their representative organisations.
Last update: November 2023