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Improving vocational education and training in Algeria (completed)

Improving the employability of graduates of vocational training institutions and universities

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  • Client

    German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

  • Country
  • Political sponsors


  • Runtime

    2019 to 2024

  • Involved

    AMBERO Consulting GmbH

  • Products and expertise

    Economic development and employment


The unemployment rate in Algeria is particularly high among young people, even if they have a qualification from a vocational training institution or university. One reason for this is that the competences acquired by graduates during their training do not always meet the needs of the economic sector. The project is therefore focusing on improving harmonisation between the courses offered within the training system and the needs of the labour market. At the same time, the Algerian Government intends to to modernise technical and vocational education and training (TVET), crucial for future economic development by providing the skilled workers needed.


The employability of vocational training institution and university graduates in selected occupational fields is improved.


The project supports its Algerian partners in better aligning the courses offered with the needs of the labour market and in teaching key skills for employment in specific occupational fields. The project is working in four areas:

  • It is strengthening cooperation between the training system and the economic sector by organising coordination meetings and supporting jointly developed employment-related measures.
  • It is working with companies and training providers to develop modules on energy efficiency and energy management for selected professions and introduce them into the curricula at various vocational training institutions and universities. In addition, the project is developing a continuous and practice-oriented training programme for teachers and trainers in order to keep them up to date with new teaching content.
  • The project is working with companies to develop and implement modules that enhance trainees’ and students’ soft skills.
  • It is also supporting professionals in the TVET system in making greater use of digital approaches in training.

The project focuses on the provinces of Algiers, Blida, Bourmerdès, Constantine, Djanet and Oran.

Last update: October 2023

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