Digital innovations for decent jobs and transparent administration
Digital Transformation Center Tunisia
German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Political sponsors
2019 to 2026
Products and expertise
Economic development and employment

Tunisia is regarded as a digital role-model on the African continent. Since the Arab Spring in 2011, a dynamic IT sector has emerged that already provides 113,000 jobs at 1,800 companies.
Yet unemployment remains high in the country, especially among young people and university graduates. The public administration also needs be reformed so it can support economic growth and give people access to government services. Digitalisation offers a great opportunity for overcoming these challenges.
Tunisia has successfully digitalised its administration. The country’s digital economy is growing and secures decent jobs and creates new ones.

The project promotes Tunisia’s digital transformation in several ways:
- It supports promotional programmes run by the Tunisian Government which are aimed at start-ups in the digital sector.
- In cooperation with the Government, it helps in digitalising the country’s industry, especially in the regional centres Sousse and Sfax.
- The project matches international companies with Tunisian IT companies and experts
- It promotes basic and advanced education and training in IT skills for IT juniors and experts
- In addition, the project contributes to digitalisation of the administration. For example, a digital vaccination platform has been created that was successfully used to coordinate a nationwide Coronavirus vaccination campaign. Solutions for digital payments are also being developed.
Last update: August 2023