A hut in a hilly, partially green landscape.

Strengthening transformative agricultural policy – fostering sustainable agricultural systems

Global Programme on Sustainable Agricultural Systems and Policies

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  • Client

    German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

  • Country

    GlobalIndia, Zambia

    Global, India, Zambia, Kenya, Cameroon, Nigeria, Togo, Madagascar, Burkina Faso and Mali

  • Runtime

    2023 to 2027

  • Products and expertise

    Rural development and agriculture


One of the priority development goals of the international community’s 2030 Agenda is to end global hunger. Current agricultural and food systems are not able to guarantee adequate healthy nutrition for everyone at all times and within planetary boundaries. Not just climate change, population growth and urbanisation, but also growing social inequality and conflicts are increasingly putting agricultural and food systems under pressure to adapt.


Transformation processes that foster sustainable agricultural systems are strengthened in India, Zambia, Kenya, Cameroon, Nigeria, Togo, Madagascar, Burkina Faso and Mali, as well as at regional and global level.


The programme supports cooperating countries in transforming their agricultural systems. It draws on local impacts and partnerships and enhances these by providing national policy advice. At global level, the countries’ contributions are linked through regional exchange formats to transnational exchange, accompanied by advisory input from global knowledge carriers.

The global programme works in five fields of activity:

  1. Promoting reform approaches through transformative agricultural policy. These approaches need to be cross-cutting and as such connect agricultural policy with other areas such as food and nutrition security, climate action and biodiversity conservation.
  2. Scaling successful practices to provide support in consolidating and institutionalising tried-and-tested approaches and innovations.
  3. Including input from civil society by involving non-state actors, above all women and young people, in the reform agendas.
  4. Harmonising financial contributions with the aim of transforming the national funding landscapes and opening up access to additional funding and contributions to support the reform agendas.
  5. Linking national and global agendas to strengthen national reform processes and enrich the debate on the transformation of agricultural and food systems.

Last update: August 2023

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