A field is being watered by a man with a hose.

Promoting climate-smart irrigation

Climate-smart agri-food systems (ProSAC)

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  • Client

    German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

  • Co-financier

    European Union (EU)

  • Country
  • Political sponsors


  • Runtime

    2023 to 2027

  • Involved

    Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Water Supply and Rural Development (MAHVDR), Agency for Agricultural Transformation (ATA), GOPA AFC GmbH

  • Products and expertise

    Rural development

A man stands on a field holding a hose for solar-powered irrigation.


The agricultural and food industry harbours significant potential for sustainable economic development in Togo. However, processing farms are currently facing a number of challenges. Among other things, agricultural products are not available in sufficient quantities year-round, or only in poor quality. This is due to seasonal farming and the associated low productivity. Climate change and the growing demand for food are adding to the pressure.


Agricultural producers in Togo harness the potential of climate-smart irrigation to improve food production.

A group of women stand around an irrigation system on a field during a training session.


The project aims to improve the quality and quantity of agricultural production by promoting environmentally friendly irrigation. The project works in four fields of activity:

  • It increases the number of experts and develops the specialist and organisational capacities of private and public actors with regard to irrigation systems.
  • It promotes expertise, for instance within cooperatives, state agencies and private companies that implement irrigation.
  • In addition, it boosts the technical skills of smallholder producers.
  • Furthermore, the project promotes new technologies tailored to irrigated agriculture.

The project is based on an approach that incorporates all aspects and people involved, and uses the following instruments:

Using the ValueLinks approach, it develops value chains – interrelated business activities in production.

The Farmer Business School (FBS) approach focuses on training producers in technology, business, organisation and nutrition.

There is also a toolbox for Solar Powered Irrigation Systems designed to offer practical advice to consultants and solar irrigation professionals.

Last update: March 2025

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