Implementing energy transition in municipalities
Community Action for Energy Transition in Bosnia and Herzegovina
German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Political sponsors
2023 to 2026
Products and expertise
Sustainable infrastructure: water, energy, transport
The majority of energy in Bosnia and Herzegovina is still generated using lignite. This produces high carbon dioxide emissions and has a bad carbon footprint. Furthermore, emissions produced during energy generation are harmful to health and have a detrimental effect on air quality in cities.
In 2020, about 40 per cent of electricity needs already came from renewable energies - primarily from hydropower plants. At the same time, the country also has considerable potential for solar, wind and bioenergy.
In recent years, the political and legal framework to increase energy efficiency and develop renewable energy has improved considerably in Bosnia and Herzegovina as the country gradually moves closer to the European Union. In spite of this, the specific implementation of measures has not met expectations. There is a lack of investment in renewable energy systems for decentralised electricity generation and in the energy efficiency of buildings.

Municipalities and private actors embrace their roles as driving forces in implementing energy transition locally.
The project supports municipalities and private stakeholders in taking an active role in implementing measures for local energy transition. To achieve this, the project works with public, private sector and civil society organisations in the field of energy and construction and also provides advice to these organisations. The project is divided into three components with the following activities:
- Develop the necessary instruments in municipalities and make them available to encourage the renovation of apartment buildings so that they are more energy efficient.
- Establish energy communities by overcoming existing barriers and encouraging the sharing of experience.
- Collect data from private building renovation projects and use it to develop the strategy of public stakeholders.
Last update: August 2023