Unlocking the potential of using sludge as a resource in Jordan
Sustainable Sludge Management
German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Political sponsors
2020 to 2024
Products and expertise
Sustainable infrastructure: water, energy, transport
In Jordan, more than 105,000 tons of dried sewage sludge were produced in 29 wastewater treatment plants in 2020 and are expected to increase to 139,000 tons per year by 2035. Most of these quantities are either stored onsite or transported to unsanitary landfills. These practices negatively affect the quality of surface and ground water and cause high greenhouse gas emissions from methane formed during biodegradation. In addition, this approach wastes both energy and material resources, with high disposal costs ranging between two and eight Euros per cubic metre.

Sustainable sludge management solutions are being applied in Jordan resulting in better operational conditions and standards for the improved use of sludge products.
The project aims to improve the economic and ecological sustainability of sludge management in Jordan by deploying technology-based upcycling solutions such as pyrolysis and pelleting leading to an increase in the value of treated sludge as an alternative fuel, industrial raw material or compost additive. This is also achieved by improving the marketability of new sludge products by defining suitable market opportunities and encouraging private sector participation. The fostering of an enabling environment for the reuse of sludge products is based on joint decisions and activities by local actors. The project works to create the legal foundations to produce and reuse treated sludge, mobilise international know-how and runs positive awareness campaigns.
The concept of Sustainable Sludge Management will be applied in the Muta Mazar wastewater treatment plant where the highest economic and ecological feasibility was proven. A demonstration of a real operation for solar greenhouse drying, pelleting and pyrolysis in the plant will provide evidence that feeds into decisions on the future design of the national sludge management strategy.
Last update: August 2023