Employment Promotion Project (EPP)
Employment Promotion Project (EPP)
German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
2023 to 2027
Egypt - Ministry of Education and Technical Education (MoETE)
Products and expertise
Economic Development and Employment

Creating productive and decent jobs is one of Egypt's biggest economic and social challenges. According to the International Labour Organization (ILO), almost eight per cent of Egypt's labour force were registered as unemployed in 2020. Youth unemployment stood at more than 17 per cent, with young women being particularly affected by unemployment at more than 43 per cent. An estimated 63 per cent of the working population is informally or precariously employed (Economic Research Forum, ERF, 2018). The situation on the Egyptian labour market is closely linked to Egypt's demographic development. According to the ERF, a net increase in the labour force of 800,000 people per year is expected between 2030 and 35. Sufficient productive jobs must be made available for the new young population entering the labour market so that youth unemployment, underemployment and precarious employment do not increase further. To adapt to the effects of climate change, the economy and labour markets will require an adequately qualified workforce.

Egypt’s technical education system is preparing students for working in an economy that is transforming into a green economy.
Together with the Egyptian Ministry of Education and Technical Education (MoETE), the project will
- adapt the technical education reform strategy to meet the needs of working in a Green Economy,
- work on improving the dual system to align education and training to the demands of the labour market. It will offer support in developing training programmes for green occupations and adapt existing programmes to these needs.
- offer support in developing an educational module focusing on conveying cross-cutting environmental competencies and integrating them into technical education.
- implement gender-responsive measures to promote employment prospects for women in a green economy.
- support current efforts to implement labour-market-oriented career advisory services to prepare students and their parents for employment potentials in a green economy.
Last update: July 2023