Promoting better sustainable use and management of Mongolia’s forests
Sustainable Resilient Ecosystem and Agriculture Management in Mongolia (STREAM) Project
German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
European Union (EU)
Political sponsors
2021 to 2024
Products and expertise
Climate, environment, management of natural resources
Mongolia’s natural resources form the basis of the country’s economy and rural livelihoods. However, the forests are being degraded due to wildfires and pest outbreaks. These are a consequence of use and management practices that are not environmentally sensitive. The situation is further acerbated by the impacts of climate change.
A large proportion of the rural population depend to a high degree on grassfed animal husbandry for their livelihood and are thus very vulnerable to climate-related disasters and zoonoses.
The abilities of Mongolian communities to implement innovative and environmentally friendly long-term landscape management is improving.
The current project component (forestry) is part of a larger project of the European Union (EU) that also covers sustainable agriculture management. The forestry component advises the Ministry of Environment and Tourism on the more climate-sensitive use and management of forestry resources to improve forest health and provide diversified rural job opportunities and at the same time pave the way for developing value-adding industries.
Through training events on and field demonstrations of best practices in forest management, the project actively improves national capabilities in climate-friendly and integrated landscape management and diversified income opportunities.
Three national universities (NUM, MULS, and GMIT) and eight international universities from Europe and the USA support the project’s forestry component through applied research and the scientific documentation of prescribed forest-management measures.
The project works closely with local administrations, inter-soum forest units and with members of professional forest enterprises and forest user groups, and also raises general awareness on the importance of climate-sensitive forest use and management, targeting youth in particular.

Last update: May 2023