Improving the resilience of rural communities through better water management
Pro-poor water management for enhanced resilience in rural areas
German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Political sponsors
2020 to 2025
Products and expertise
Climate, environment, management of natural resources
Morocco's current water shortage is linked to high socioeconomic development in the past decades and aggravated by the effects of climate change and the high spatial and temporal variability of water resources.
Agriculture is a driver of economic and social development in Morocco. The sector made very significant progress in the last decades, but this came at the expense of water resources. Small-scale farmers lack the support to cope with water shortages, which is considerably increasing their vulnerability.
The efforts made by the Moroccan government need to continue to find a holistic response to the challenges faced by poor small-scale farmers.
The resilience of rural populations regarding water-resource variability is enhanced.
The project advises different local, regional and national partners building an approach for rural resilience.
It supports the Ministry of Equipment and Water to improve coordination and inter-ministerial dialogue in the field of water resources.
In three regions, the project advises water basin agencies on decentralised and participatory planning to improve water management and also supports the agencies in their digitalisation process.
The project also intervenes in nine villages by training the local population so they can identify and implement resilient agricultural practices. Moreover, it provides the equipment to test and monitor these practices.
Last update: June 2023