On a long table are numerous microphones with small flags in front of them. © iStock.com/shironosov

Supporting civil society organisations

Strengthening civil society in the Palestinian territories

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  • Client

    German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

  • Runtime

    2023 to 2027

  • Involved

    Around 30 civil society organisations in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and Gaza.

  • Products and expertise

    Governance and democracy


Civil society organisations (CSOs) play a major role in the Palestinian territories. They advocate for human rights and fill gaps in the service provision by the authorities.

Despite having well-established organisations, Palestinian civil society faces many challenges. The political instability and intensifying Israeli occupation have serious implications for Palestinian civil society. The war in Gaza and Israeli military operations in the West Bank are further accelerating this development.

In addition, the relationship between civil society and the Palestinian authorities is characterised by mutual mistrust. In such a complex environment, it is essential to support civil society.

Participants in the Inclusive University Campaign hold a sign that reads ‘Universities are for everyone’.© Social Developmental Forum (SDF)


Palestinian civil society organisations support the rights and participation of marginalised groups and communities.


The project supports around 30 CSOs and coalitions that represent the rights of young people, women and people with disabilities. It has more than 10 years of experience of context-specific, inclusive and demand-driven cooperation with CSOs.

The project operates in multiple fields of action:

  • It promotes dialogue between CSOs and state actors to facilitate constructive relations between the state and civil society.
  • It links up CSOs to enhance the social and political participation of disadvantaged groups, including women and people with disabilities.
  • It improves accountability and participation through training courses on participation and inclusion.
  • It provides support on organisational development such as project management, fundraising, as well as monitoring and evaluation.
  • It rebuilds civil society structures in the Palestinian territories, primarily in Gaza, through procurement of materials and equipment in addition to the provision of psychosocial support.

Last update: January 2025

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