Implementing the 2030 Agenda worldwide
Julia Iversen coordinates work on the 2030 Agenda at GIZ. She outlines how countries around the world are receiving support with its implementation.
The High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) will be taking place from 10 to 19 July. It is a run-up event to the UN Summit in September, where heads of state and government will be taking stock at the halfway point of the 2030 Agenda. At the annual HLPF, individual countries report on whether they have been able to implement the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as planned and discuss successful strategies.

Julia Iversen, coordinator of work on the 2030 Agenda within GIZ, has outlined for us the significance of the UN Sustainable Development Goals for German development cooperation. In an excerpt from her article, she explains how GIZ is working to implement the 2030 Agenda and SDGs worldwide:
‘Mexico has adopted one of the world’s first national strategies to implement the 2030 Agenda and has established a National Sustainable Development Council. Myanmar, Cambodia and Kenya have started to refine their statistical systems so that they can measure SDG indicators reliably.’
In akzente, you can read about how many countries GIZ is supporting in implementing the 2030 Agenda as part of BMZ’s 2030 Implementation Initiative and why Iversen considers this commitment unique. The full article is available here.