Promoting rural electrification in Togo
Rural electrification in Togo
German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
European Union (EU)
Political sponsors
2020 to 2025
Products and expertise
Sustainable infrastructure: Water, energy, transport

Since 2010, Togo’s nationwide electrification rate has risen from 23% to 60% (2021). While around four-fifths of urban areas now have access to electricity, only around a tenth of Togo’s rural areas are electrified. The electrification rate is lowest in Savanes, the country’s northernmost region.
In off-grid areas, electricity is rarely used for productive purposes. This leads to insufficient value creation and a weak social infrastructure in rural areas. The aim of Togo’s Government is therefore to ensure universal access to electricity by 2030.
Climate-friendly rural electrification, bearing in mind economic and social factors, has promoted access to basic social services for disadvantaged population groups.

The project supports its partners, the Togolese Agency for Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy (AT2ER) and the Directorate General of Energy (DGE), in implementing and monitoring the national electrification strategy. The focus is on making productive and social use of electricity – in mini-grids, in grid expansion areas, and via solar power systems in off-grid areas.
In this context, ProEnergie assists AT2ER in promoting local solar companies, piloting productive solar technologies, and advising and training potential users.
Since November 2022, ProEnergie has supported AT2ER in taking a holistic approach to electrifying the Savanes region, one which brings together grid expansion, information services, and training for small-business owners. The inclusion of young people and women is a priority in this context.
The German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the European Union are cofinancing the project.

Last update: April 2023