Promoting Sustainable Cities in Georgia

Sustainable Urban Development in Georgia

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  • Client

    German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

  • Country
  • Political sponsors


  • Runtime

    2023 to 2025

  • Involved

    Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture, Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development, LEPL Spatial and Urban Development Agency, Network of local professionals, civil society, citizens

  • Products and expertise

    Sustainable infrastructure: water, energy, transport


Urban areas contribute greatly to national carbon emissions and are particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change. Thus, cities hold immense mitigation and adaptation potential. Unlocking this could accelerate a green and just transition.
The national Climate Change Council (CCC) of Georgia monitors and coordinates the implementation of the country’s climate strategy and the corresponding action plan. But more work is needed to localise Georgia’s ambitious NDC commitments. High levels of centralisation and a lack of local capacities, present Georgian cities with challenges in developing and financing integrated urban development projects for climate action. Furthermore, participatory approaches to ensure the long-term social and economic impact of urban interventions as well as increase the quality of life and resilience of cities are yet to be established as standard.


In cooperation with the national government, Georgian cities have developed participatory, climate-oriented and urban-integrated investment projects that are ready for financing.


Following the Urban-Lab approach, the project brings integrated urban infrastructure projects to readiness for funding – primarily in the fields of energy efficiency, mobility, waste management and public spaces. To this end, it works closely with selected cities in cooperation with national and sub-national actors, a professional network of experts and local communities. By conducting real life laboratories, the project improves urban integration, citizen participation and inclusivity. In addition, the project works to improve local government and civil-society capacities in integrated planning and investment budgeting. Apart from infrastructure projects, the project also supports the development of Neighbourhood Development Plans (NDPs).

The accumulated expertise is taken up in national policy reform in Georgia and shared within a network of urban innovators.

Last update: March 2023