A woman in a forest wearing a vest with the ‘GIZ’ and ‘NRC’ logos © GIZ

Creating Prospects for Displaced Persons and Host Countries

Sector Project Displacement

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  • Client

    German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

  • Country
  • Runtime

    2014 to 2026

  • Involved

    German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

  • Products and expertise

    Security, reconstruction and peace


By mid-2024, more than 120 million people were displaced worldwide. They were forced from their homes due to war, conflict or persecution. Most displaced people remain in their own country or seek protection in neighbouring countries.

Host countries are taking in many people but are facing enormous challenges.There are often no laws that protect displaced people, housing and jobs are in short supply and schools are unable to accommodate all the children.

The German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) has created a unique instrument to help provide a targeted and swift response. The Special Initiative on Displaced Persons and Host Countries supports displaced people and host communities worldwide. Issues such as social protection, employment, education and psychosocial support play an important role here – as do climate, gender justice, the participation of displaced people and peacebuilding.

Syrian girls sit at tables in a classroom, writing in their notebooks. © GIZ/Cannizzo


BMZ’s implementation of development approaches that address displacement has improved at national and international level.


The project advises the BMZ division for displacement. The aim is to improve German development cooperation on displacement and to boost international visibility. Key frameworks in this context are the Global Compact on Refugees and the Global Refugee Forum.

The advisory services focus on topics such as employment, gender equality, social protection, education and mental health. The project also promotes cooperation with important partners such as the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) and supports BMZ in the continued development of the special initiative and in demonstrating its impact. In addition, the project manages the secretariat of the Action Network on Forced Displacement, a global network of displaced women.

Two women taking part in a training course work in a field. © GIZ/Cannizzo

Last update: February 2025

Additional information


 Ein Mann arbeitet mit Pflanzen in einem Gewächshaus.

Creating inclusive employment prospects


 Eine Siedlung umgeben von Bäumen, einigen Grünflächen und einem sandigen Weg.

Creating better prospects for people forced to flee


 Mehrere Personen tragen Gegenstände entlang eines sandigen Weges.

Preventing sexualised and gender-based violence


 Drei Personen blicken auf eine Bilderausstellung.

Expanding psychosocial support in the Middle East


 Drei Frauen in Laborkitteln.

Displacement and Migration: Creating Prospects


 Eine Frau lächelt und hält einen Stift in der Hand.

Displacement and Migration: Supporting Refugees