Promoting reintegration in Somalia

Supporting the voluntary return of Somali refugees through a community-based approach to reintegration in Somalia

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  • Client

    German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

  • Country
  • Political sponsors


  • Runtime

    2015 to 2023

  • Products and expertise

    Security, reconstruction, peace

Training for young people in metalworking Copyright: GIZ


Somalia has been classed as a fragile state since 1991. For three decades, the country has been afflicted by civil wars, political instability and attacks by the Al Shabaab terrorist group. According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), more than 93,000 Somali refugees have voluntarily returned to Somalia from various asylum countries since December 2014, including from Kenya, Yemen, Djibouti, Libya, Tunisia and Eritrea.

The returnees join the host community and internally displaced people. Conflicts arise when these groups compete for the same scarce resources. Many of the returnees are female and often the sole breadwinners in their families. Nonetheless, many have difficulty finding a job because they often lack adequate education and training. In addition, gender-based violence and domestic violence against girls and women are on the rise in the project region.


The livelihoods of returnees, internally displaced people and the local population in Kismayo have improved.

New market hall in Kismayo. Copyright: GIZ


The project supports the authorities in Kismayo in reintegrating internally displaced people and returnees from neighbouring states. The project operates in five fields of activity to improve people’s livelihoods:

  • It rebuilds the social and economic infrastructure. This improves the services on offer and livelihoods in the country.
  • It creates an environment that supports income-generating opportunities. The measures include start-up programmes, training courses and access to microcredit opportunities.
  • It strengthens the institutions of government partners – individually and organisationally. For example, the project has set up a learning network for the Director-Generals of partner ministries that allows the ministries in Jubaland to work together more effectively.
  • It provides psychosocial support services. 
  • It sets up short-term measures for preventing COVID-19.
Students at the newly constructed Midwifery school. Copyright: GIZ

Last update: January 2023