Promoting Ukraine’s EU association through innovation (completed)
Innovation lab for Ukraine’s EU association
German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Political sponsors
2021 to 2023
Products and expertise
Governance and Democracy

In June 2022, Ukraine obtained EU candidate status. The country has made significant progress in implementing the digital agenda and modernising public services in recent years; however, the reform process remains challenging in many areas. The main reason for this is inefficient coordination and implementation. Officials often lack the knowledge and suitable working frameworks to carry out EU-related tasks in a citizen-oriented manner and to coordinate European integration.
Since Russia expanded its war of aggression in Ukraine in February 2022, Ukraine requires humanitarian support and local innovation for reconstruction, in particular.
The Ukrainian Government achieves strategic reform goals for EU association and, in doing so, implements the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement in a citizen-oriented and efficient manner.
The project supports local innovation for reconstruction through mobile makerspaces, which are open workshops that enable flexible production using IT equipment, 3D printing and wood and metal work. The solutions range from accommodation and sanitation services, prostheses and medical supplies to Geiger counters. Makerspaces also support inventions, by providing access to tools and knowledge from the open-source movement.
In addition, the project supports the Ukrainian Government in implementing the Association Agreement. In an innovation lab, it contributes to the digital transformation of public services by organising technical support for the Chief Digital Transformation Officers (CDTOs) of the line ministries.
Moreover, newly established training courses, processes and methods strengthen the relevant government agencies so that they can become competent actors and negotiation partners for EU association. The project also supports the short-term requirements of the reforms for EU association through a flexible fund.
Last update: November 2022