Promoting social cohesion and value creation in South Kivu
Project description
Title: Social cohesion and value creation in South Kivu
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Country: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Lead executing agency: Ministère du Plan/Ministry of Planning
Overall term: 2021 to 2025

Eastern Congo has been suffering for many years due to an ongoing crisis and repeated armed conflicts. This has wreaked havoc on infrastructures and economic activities and has also steadily eroded the political and social order. The situation is more acute in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and it is causing livelihoods to deteriorate: the state is failing to provide basic services, corruption is widespread and women have no say at home or in public and political life.
Individuals, households, social groups and local administrative structures are increasingly implementing social and economic practices for long-term and peaceful development. Basic infrastructures and services have been improved; peaceful and inclusive coexistence have been strengthened in a region marked by conflict.
The project promotes income-generating activities in agricultural value chains. It contributes to non-violent conflict resolution and promotes gender equality. It also advises local development committees in order to strengthen and involve state actors.
These four fields of activity are interlinked. This increases the social and economic capabilities of households and local authorities that are necessary for self-help driven development. In this way, the livelihoods of the population, which is affected by food insecurity, political instability and ongoing violent conflicts, improve.
The project’s main activities focus on:
- Supporting farmers’ organisations
- Strengthening the capabilities of local peace structures
- Supporting local development committees
- Running literacy courses for young women and workshops on positive masculinity
Last update: August 2022