‘When everyone’s a winner’
It takes everyone’s interests into account
An interview with Monika Varnhagen, Director of the Federal Employment Agency’s International Placement Services (ZAV).

akzente: How does cooperation with GIZ, via the Centre for International Migration and Development (CIM), benefit the Federal Employment Agency?
Monika Varnhagen: For three decades now, CIM – a joint venture between the Federal Employment Agency’s International Placement Services (ZAV) and GIZ – has been the recruitment agency for German development cooperation. CIM complements the two partners’ own service portfolios by placing specialist and management personnel with employers in partner countries with which the German Government engages in international cooperation. Up to now, this has taken place though the Integrated Experts and Returning Experts programmes. But there has been an ongoing debate at board level about possible ways of utilising the existing cooperation to jointly manage labour migration to Germany, thus creating synergies between the labour market and development policy. The starting point is the expected substantial shrinkage of the available workforce in the EU and Germany resulting from demographic change, the health sector being a particularly sensitive area. So we agreed to launch this joint pilot scheme. A strategy for temporary labour migration was developed, trialled and evaluated for specific occupations where there is a shortage of skilled workers. The project will end this year, and discussions about an extension are currently under way.