Achieving results together
No country in the world can master the global challenges of our time alone.
Climate change is the best example: the root causes and the impacts cannot be
limited to any one state or continent. GIZ has been actively involved in climate
change measures for over twenty years. Climate change mitigation and adaptation
measures are one of the main focuses of international cooperation. In more than
450 projects we are helping countries to cut greenhouse gas emissions and finance
climate action. The volume of these commissions, some EUR 2.5 billion in total,
accounts for about one third of GIZ’s current portfolio. On behalf of the German
Government and other commissioning parties, GIZ is helping increase renewable
energy use in over 30 countries*. The solar and wind power generated in Brazil,
India and South Africa since 2005 alone would suffice to power eight million
German households every year.
Displacement and refugee flows are another global challenge. Since 2005, GIZ
has supported more than six million refugees, and refugee numbers are increasing
rather than decreasing as crises spread around the globe. On behalf of the German
Government, GIZ is taking on responsibility for building peace and security, and
for assisting refugees. Today, we are involved in more than 140 projects of this sort
worth a total of over EUR 280 million,* currently for instance in northern Iraq
and Ukraine. One major goal is to refocus attention on the imperatives of restor-
ing security. In Afghanistan, for instance, 26,000 police officers have taken part in
training conducted by GIZ on behalf of the German Federal Foreign Office since
the police reform measure was first launched. The training courses are an impor-
tant element in enhancing the rule of law in Afghanistan.
We practice at home what we preach
outside the company
Our sustainability programme ensures that we regularly set ourselves new targets for
cutting our energy consumption and emissions. Since 2014, our offices in Germany
have been fully climate neutral and use only green electricity.
We also take our responsibility towards our staff very seriously indeed. Since GIZ is
increasingly operating in crisis affected areas, we have extended the personal safety
and security services we offer our staff. These range from special security training in
Germany before staff take up their posts, to reliable security management systems
for our offices in partner countries. For us at GIZ accepting responsibility is synony-
mous with acting in line with the fundamental values of the Federal Republic of
Germany and international standards and conventions. Our internal ‘GIZ orienta-
tion on human rights’, which is mandatory for all staff, helps us do so.
*Figures taken from
www.giz.de/projectdata(as at 13 March 2015)
International cooperation today faces enormous challenges and has set
itself ambitious goals. Conflicts and natural disasters around the world
threaten the livelihoods of innumerable people. It is the responsibility
of politicians, civil society and the private sector to take vigorous action
to mitigate the consequences of climate change, defuse conflicts and
make it possible for people to live together in peace.
GIZ Integrated Company Report 2014