Digital Competences
The digital transformation is having a far-reaching global impact on political, social and economic processes and is changing the way we live and work together. To be part of this change, we need digital skills - on the one hand to be able to use technologies efficiently, and on the other to develop a responsible and critical approach to digital tools.
In international cooperation, digital skills are essential in order to anchor visions and goals successfully and sustainably in societies. According to the capacity development approach, these must be built up at various levels: Person, organization, society. In addition to imparting purely technical knowledge, it is therefore essential to promote contextual knowledge in order to apply acquired skills in different areas of life in a meaningful way and to develop them independently. The area of data protection and information security plays a central role here.
As there is a data gap in many of GIZ's partner countries regarding the need for digital skills, it is difficult, especially for young people, to assess which skills are needed and how they can develop them. The high investment costs, e.g. for the necessary hardware and licenses, as well as costs for internet access, are further challenges associated with the development of digital skills. In addition, educational opportunities for women, the rural population and socio-economically disadvantaged groups are often less accessible due to language or technical barriers. If these target groups are not explicitly addressed and supported in the teaching of digital skills, for example through the teaching of basic digital skills, the digital divide threatens to widen and parts of the population will not be able to benefit from the advantages of digitalization.
Die GIZ begegnet diesen Herausforderungen, indem die unterschiedlichen lokalen und technischen Gegebenheiten in der Projektplanung berücksichtigt werden: Digitale Ökosysteme, Infrastrukturen, existierende Ansätze für Weiterbildungsmaßnahmen und passende öffentliche digitale Güter. In kollaborativen und sektorübergreifenden Prozessen entstehen somit nutzerorientierte und inklusive Angebote, die auf die Zielgruppen zugeschnitten sind und eine maximale Wirkung erzielen können.