Digital Public Goods

Digital public goods (DPG) can be open-source software, open data, open artificial intelligence models, open standards and open content. In principle, thse DPGs are non-rival and non-exclusive.
Digital public goods in international cooperation are key to achieving the SDGs. Knowledge, data and digital solutions all characterize an information society. Limited access to digital resources is creating ever greater digital divides around the world, exacerbating existing inequalities. DPGs offer the opportunity to counteract these developments through their open access to information and technologies. Innovations can be distributed more evenly and the playing field in markets can be leveled. At the same time, DPGs can limit economic monopolies over digital solutions and knowledge. Public digital goods therefore offer decisive advantages for both economic and social reasons.
Due to their participatory nature, DPGs have the potential to promote equal global partnerships in international cooperation. GIZ works with governments, local ecosystems and global companies to initiate the necessary knowledge exchange and joint learning processes. The aim is to drive the economic, flexible and sustainable development of digital solutions while ensuring equal opportunities for all stakeholders.
By advising governments, organizations and communities, GIZ can promote the use of DPG in various places. In addition to suitable investment opportunities, it is important to develop policy strategies, governance models and capacity development measures for successful deployment.