News Brussels | Archive 2019
What was the year 2019 all about for GIZ in Brussels? Discover the news archive. Please find the latest updates, events and information here on News and Events Brussels.

Motivating companies to engage in dual VET
“Firms calculate costs and benefits for everything… but rarely for their apprenticeships.”

Challenges within EU’s and African trade regimes to boost agricultural trade
Regional integration can play a vital role in diversifying economies, strengthening food systems, creating jobs and alleviating poverty.

GIZ@AidEx: Showcasing Transitional Development Assistance in Chad and Turkey
GIZ organised its first-ever session at AidEx, showcasing examples of how Germany and the EU are bridging humanitarian aid and development cooperation in practice to #LeaveNoOneBehind.
Building Bridges – The Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus in Practice
Event by GIZ@AidEx on Wednesday, 13th November 2019 14:00h – 15:30h Brussels Expo Hall 11, Room 1123 Place de Belgique 1
High-Level Event on the eve of World Food Day at the European Parliament
Investing in Nutrition: Partnering for Action
Investing in Nutrition: Partnering for Action
High-Level Meeting on World Food Day, 15th October 2019, 10:00 - 12:00 European Parliament. Register Now.

GIZ now managing the Sahel Alliance secretariat
State Secretary Jäger declares new Brussels office open

Building a world which leaves no one behind: European Development Days 2019
This year´s European Development Days took place in Brussels on 18./19. June 2019. You can now listen to GIZ´s lab debates on podcast once again and learn more about our contributions!
Workshop: Sustainability in the Age of Platforms
CEPS, Zhejiang University and GIZ organised a high-level workshop on the challenges and the opportunities posed by digital platforms when it comes to sustainability.

Lessons learned from Public Administration Reform in the Neighbourhood East
This C4C presented the advantages of regional cooperation for successful reforms by focussing on Public Administration Reforms in the Eastern European Neighbourhood.
Opportunities of Blockchain for Agriculture - Brussels Development Briefing
The latest Brussels Briefing provided an overview of the opportunities and challenges in adopting the blockchain technology in agriculture and the agri-food industry.

C4C: Internal Displacement in a Conflict Zone: Lessons Learned from Ukraine
GIZ, practitioners and politicians shed light on internal displacement in the Ukrainian conflict zone.

Friends of Europe: Closing the SDG financing gap - The changing role of development cooperation
How can the international community approach the quest for financing the SDGs? This question and different approaches were in the centre of a discussion, organised by the think tank Friends of Europe beginning of February.

Sustainable agricultural supply chains and actions against deforestation and forest degradation
The Capacity4Change (C4C) event focused on joint actions against deforestation and forest degradation towards sustainable and deforestation free agricultural supply chains. The exchange was jointly organised with Conservation International (CI).