Advancing socio-economic inclusion in Somalia
Project description
Title: Promotion of Socio- Economic Inclusion of Extremely Poor IDPs and Residents of Host Communities in Garowe, Puntland, Project (SEIPP)
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Country: Somalia
Lead executing agency: Ministry of Interior, Federal Affairs and Democratization
Overall term: 2021 to 2025

The collapse of the government in 1991, protracted conflict, attacks by the terrorist militia Al-Shabaab and recurring natural disasters have led to systematic impoverishment and displacement of Somalia’s population. The Covid-19 pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine conflict have further aggravated the already dire humanitarian situation. The number of internally displaced persons (IDPs) (2.97 million in August 2022) continues to rise due to climatic shocks and political conflicts, and this reinforces Somalia's rapid urbanisation. In Garowe, the capital of the semi-autonomous state of Puntland, IDPs now account for more than one-third of the population.
Social and economic interaction between IDPs and residents of host communities remains limited.
Extreme poverty, high vulnerability, psychological stress, food insecurity and lack of (economic) perspectives as well as social marginalisation determine the everyday life of IDPs and poor residents of host communities. State institutions remain unable to fulfil their mandate to economically and socially integrate IDPs, thus exacerbating the situation.
The personal and socio-economic resilience of extremely poor IDPs and residents of the host communities in Garowe, Puntland is improving.

The methodological framework builds on the graduation approach - a sequential package of measures consisting of basic security, promotion of everyday skills and sustainable livelihoods, combined with individual, long-term coaching and mentoring. The Socio-Economic Improvement Project, Puntland (SEIPP) assists selected local authorities and institutions to improve their capabilities in the economic and social integration of the target group.
Consolidating social cohesion is an important cross-cutting aspect in the project.
The project cooperates with national and international non- governmental organisations.
SEIPP targets 700 households with an average of 9 household members, focusing on extremely poor youth and women from both IDP settlements and host community villages.
Last update: December 2022