
The laboratory is officially launched
That inauguration ceremony was attended by development partners, representatives of sectorial ministries, TVET institutions.
After several weeks of background work, meetings and fine tuning, the InnoTechLab was finally launched on the 14th of October 2020. The launch of the lab located in the industrial zone of Yaoundé, was heavily attended by several development partners, representatives of sectorial ministries, TVET institutions as well as major media houses in Cameroon. Specifically amongst those who answered present at the inauguration ceremony were the Minister of Employment and Vocation Training (MINEFOP), the Minister of Labour and Social Security (MINTSS), the Minister of Small and Medium Size Enterprises, Social Economy and Handicraft (MINPMEESA) the Regional Coordinator of SIFA for Central Africa, the Rector of the Protestant University of Central Africa (UPAC), the Managing Director of the National Employment Fund (FNE), several mayors and leaders of industry as well as other important players in the skills development and employment landscape in Cameroon.
The Lab will be connected with other universities, TVET institutions and the skill development eco-system to co-create a value chain around the action lines of the DTA namely: Education & Research; IT and Technology; Experimentation & Fabrication and Incubation & Acceleration. Through the centre, young Cameroonians would be able to access the following modern facilities:
- Smart classes for distance and interative learning;
- World class industry software and tools;
- Cutting-edge technologies;
- World leading tech-OEM partners;
- Cooperation with top universities and institutions worldwide
Following the total buy-in of the government of Cameroon in this project as expressed by the sectorial ministers and other private sector actors present at the launch, SIFA will be taking discussions further to render the new-found partnership sustainable. This way, we’ll be able to guarantee the continuity of the lab even beyond the duration of the partnership. We are confident that this partnership would act as a catalyst for the development of other partnerships in the other SIFA countries around Africa.
The Data Transformation Alliance (DTA) and the Skills Initiative for Africa (SIFA) have decided to work hand in gloves to setup a state of the arts innovative technical laboratory (InnoTechLab) in Cameroon. The lab will act as a hub for the development of the skills of young Cameroonians in multiple fields and trades identified as important vectors of job creation and growth in the country.
DTA is a non-profit making organization set-up by senior officials of the African diaspora passionate about the adoption and acceleration of digital transformation cutting-edge engineering knowledge for a sustainable and prosperous Africa. The management of DTA hold high the ideal that mastering digitalization, engineering and leadership techniques are indispensable ingredients for societies to create and manage their own future.