Dialogue on Employment Creation, Initiative and Dual Education
Project description
Title: Dialogue on Employment Creation, Initiative and Dual Education / Sustainable growth and employment program in Serbia
Commissioned by: Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Countries: Serbia
Lead executing agency: Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia
Overall term: 2020 to 2022

One of Serbia’s main challenges is its high rate of youth unemployment. Qualifications of young people between 15 and 35 years of age often do not meet the requirements of the Serbian labour market. The vocational education and training system in Serbia aims to train enough skilled workers to meet the requirements of the labour market. However, it still needs additional support to become fully functional with lasting effects.
The qualification and labour market measures offered in selected regions in Serbia are now better oriented to the needs of young people, and to the labour market as a whole.

The project supports six selected secondary vocational schools, which aim to become regional competence centres that provide high-quality formal (dual) education as well as non-formal trainings and can respond quickly and adequately to the labour market needs. It also provides equipment for classrooms and school workshops. Furthermore, managerial and teaching staff receive training and skills development in line with the new vision of school as a market-oriented, self-sustaining institution.
The project is also improving cooperation between relevant actors at local level to mutually develop the most efficient models for reducing youth unemployment.
Lessons learned from the project implementation are transferred to the national policy level to further support the reform of vocational education and to promote youth employment.
In addition, the German-Serbian Initiative for Sustainable Growth and Employment is part of the project and contributes to the anchoring of selected and piloted measures on issues of sustainable employment promotion. The Initiative ensures fast, flexible, innovative and coordinated cooperation for the entire German Development Cooperation in Serbia.
Last update: March 2022