Reducing greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption in households
Project description
Title: Scaling-up Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in the Building Sector (Building NAMA)
Commissioned by: NAMA Facility
Country: Tunisia
Lead executing agency: Ministry of Energy, Mines and Renewable Energy (MIME)
Overall term: 2019 to 2024

In the Paris Agreement, Tunisia pledged to reduce its carbon emissions by 41 per cent by 2030 compared to 2010. Five packages of measures (Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions, NAMA) form the basis for its work in this area.
The set of measures for the energy sector is particularly important, as households are currently responsible for 27 per cent of Tunisia’s energy consumption. Due to population growth and rising living standards, this figure is set to rise to around 35 per cent by 2030.
The Tunisian Government has already created the framework for increasing renewable energy use and promoting energy efficiency in households. Despite initial successes, corresponding programmes have not yet reached all sections of the population.
Tunisia is using climate finance to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in households and promote low-carbon development.
The project promotes thermal insulation and solar energy in buildings. It is doing so by extending the national programmes PROSOL (solar thermal energy) and PROSOL ELEC (installation of photovoltaic systems) and by launching PROMO ISOL (thermal installation).
At the same time, it is improving access to financing, expanding technical and institutional capacities, and raising awareness for renewable energy and energy efficiency. The programmes are reducing household energy expenditure, creating skilled jobs, strengthening small companies and reducing energy subsidies.
The project is based on three pillars:
- Financial: Expanding PROSOL ELEC to include medium-income households and cover interest subsidies for the installation of small solar systems.
- Technical: Improving the legal framework and the institutional capacities for all three technologies.
- Communication and monitoring: Supporting partner institutions in implementing an awareness-raising campaign and also in the areas of monitoring, reporting and verification.
Last update: November 2021