Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Programme II
Project description
Title: Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Programme II
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Country: Bangladesh
Lead executing agency: Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources (MPEMR)
Overall term: 2018 to 2021

Bangladesh is one of the fastest growing economies in the world, headed towards earning middle income status by 2021. Within this same timeframe, Bangladesh is committed to providing electricity for its 160 million citizens. To cater to this demand, 24 Gigawatts of electricity will be needed.
Being one of the most climate vulnerable countries in the world, Bangladesh is committed to making its own efforts to reduce impact on global climate change. Bangladesh has pledged to reduce Greenhouse Gas emissions in the power, industry and transport sectors by 15 per cent compared to ‘business-as-usual’ levels within 2030 through external support. By 2021 Bangladesh also aims to generate 10 per cent of its total energy from renewable sources and to save 15 per cent energy consumption compared to 2013 levels.
Promotion of energy efficiency and conservation, maximum utilisation of renewable energy integrated options, and building the capacity of relevant stakeholders to sustain the effort is therefore a priority for Bangladesh.
Integration of sustainable energy options has been strengthened with multilevel capacity building initiatives. Awareness regarding energy efficiency and conservation has been increased through a national level campaign. Dissemination of solar rooftop programme has been streamlined and the progress has been monitored.
REEEP II aims to work with the government, private sector and civil society actors to strengthen sustainable energy development in Bangladesh.
The project will identify specific organisational development needs for the Sustainable and Renewable Energy Development Authority (SREDA) and relevant sector stakeholders and will promote cooperation among those actors to achieve the national target for renewable energy and energy efficiency. Moreover, the programme will support the government to develop conducive energy policies and regulations to sustain developmental impacts.
To maximise the utilisation of solar energy, the government aims to disseminate grid connected solar rooftops at a large scale through net-metering scheme. The project will support this endeavour through facilitating the establishment of a dedicated national rooftop service desk at SREDA and accompanying online portal for consumers and service providers. There will be also accompanied measures on quality assurance and market facilitation.
Technical measures regarding energy efficiency can only be sustained when public and institutional awareness and commitment is ensured. The project will support the formulation of a national awareness raising strategy for energy efficiency and conservation. Relevant public, private and civil society actors will be actively engaged with the subsequent campaign to maximise impact of the initiatives.
The overall progress in sector development will be monitored both qualitatively and quantitatively and will be integrated with centralised monitoring system at SREDA.