Promoting multi-stakeholder partnerships

Project description

Title: Platform for Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships (MSPs) for Implementing the 2030 Agenda
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Country: Global
Overall term: 2015 to 2025

Moderatorin Dr. Minu Hemmati bei einer Veranstaltung von partnerschaften2030 in Köln


International cooperation needs partnerships – that message comes across loud and clear in the 2030 Agenda. Guaranteeing decent working conditions, ensuring access to health care, averting global warming – it will take more than individual stakeholders acting alone to overcome the greatest challenges facing the planet.

That is why multi-stakeholder partnerships (MSPs) play such an important role. A multi-stakeholder partnership is a type of cooperation in which representatives from at least three out of the four sectors civil society, the public sector, the private sector and academia work together as equals with the goal of contributing to the common good.

However, MSPs have had varying degrees of success globally. A number of partnerships made key contributions to the major success stories of international cooperation, others never got beyond the design stage. Appropriate information, training, support and advisory services are needed to boost the transformative potential of MSPs.


MSPs are strengthened with a view to implementing the 2030 Agenda.

Teilnehmer*innen diskutieren während einer Veranstaltung von Partnerschaften2030 in Köln


The programme supports MSPs. This includes working with the non-profit advice centre Engagement Global – bengo, a collaboration designed to provide specific support MSPs initiated by civil society.

The project provides information and advice to stakeholders from civil society, the public sector, the private sector and academia. In this way, it helps ensure that the different parties in an MSP work together successfully and on an equal footing.

Specifically, the project’s contribution includes:

  • Providing information
  • Offering advice on methods and design in order to initiate and plan new partnerships
  • Organising dialogue and information events
  • Designing and implementing learning and training events
  • Providing advice to existing MSPs that is tailored to their individual needs.

Last update: August 2022

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