Promoting non-formal vocational training
Project description
Project title: Promotion of technical vocational education and training in Honduras (FOPRONH)
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Country: Honduras
Lead executing agency: Dirección General de Política Exterior
Overall term: 2018 to 2023
In 2020, 17.5 per cent of young people aged 15 to 24 in Honduras were unemployed. 40 per cent of the Honduran labour force lacks basic technical problem-solving skills. At the same time, the vocational training available is not sufficiently tailored to the specific requirements of marginalised groups. Moreover, technical vocational training does not meet the needs of the labour market. Therefore, the lack of vocational qualifications is widespread and stops young people from entering the labour market, and also hinders economic development.
The Honduran vocational training system provides high-quality basic and advanced training geared to the needs of the labour market and marginalised young people.
The project focuses on the non-formal vocational training system, which the National Vocational Training Institute (Instituto Nacional de Formación Profesional, INFOP) is responsible for, and on formal technical vocational training, which is a matter for the Ministry of Education. It assists in supplying qualified personnel for the formal and non-formal technical vocational training system. The aim is to provide training that meets quality standards and the requirements of the labour market.
In addition, the project promotes management of selected vocational training centres to implement labour market-oriented training programmes. The introduction of reforms that institutionally support labour market-oriented vocational training will be improved in accordance with the Public Policy for Vocational Technical Education and Training (Política Pública de Educación y Formación Técnico Profesional) and the National Qualifications Framework (Marco Nacional de Cualificaciones). For formal vocational training, the Ministry of Education will receive a model for implementing needs-based technical vocational training in the field of food processing.
Last update: April 2022