APRODE II: Improving education management and quality in the school system
Programme description
Title: Support for the decentralisation processes in the Honduran education sector. Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) Countries: Honduras Lead executing agency: General Directorate of Foreign Affairs at the Honduran Ministry of Foreign Affairs Overall term: 2019 to 2022
The education system in Honduras faces great challenges. Despite some progress, the targets set for school enrolment rates, the quality of lessons, and learning performance have not yet been achieved.
Schools in rural areas often lack up-to-date teaching materials and do not make enough use of participatory learning methods. Although educational reform and the decentralisation of the education system are enshrined in law, implementation to date has been patchy. Central and decentralised education authorities are not executing their duties in the pre-school, primary and secondary education sector in a satisfactory manner. The various levels responsible for the sector do not have the skills and resources to perform their duties. Corruption and a lack of transparency also reduce the quality and efficiency of education services. Cooperation must be improved at all institutional levels if the educational reform is to be implemented.
Individual and institutional measures have improved the quality of education.
Children and young people in the poorly developed regions in the west of the country have access to high-quality, discrimination-free school and education services that allow them to achieve qualifications.
The project advises the Ministry of Education of Honduras at the central level and in six district school authorities in the economically underdeveloped west of the country. The objective is to decentralise education management and to improve the quality of education processes and make them more transparent. The municipal school authorities and the school networks are particularly important for implementation in the second phase.
Based on guidelines from the preceding project phase, processes will be implemented in educational administration. Transparency in the system is to be strengthened in cooperation with civil society. The project supports the digitalisation of processes, particularly in the areas of information provision and transparency towards society.
The project is working with a partner university and regional training centres to develop blended-learning training courses in administrative processes within the education system for executive and administrative officers as well as teachers.
In addition, the project strengthens dialogue spaces, committees and school networks, thereby improving the opportunities for pupils, parents’ associations and civil society to participate. Particular priority areas include supporting girls and indigenous children and promoting inclusion of children with disabilities.
The project also plans to update the digital platform SIARED (Sistema Integrado de Administración de las Redes Educativas). This is used to document progress made in the school networks.
Alliances between stakeholders in the field of education (e.g. the Ministry of Education), the private sector, municipal administrations and the Honduran association of cities and towns (Asociación de Municipios de Honduras, AMHON) are being expanded. This allows investment in the education system to be used more effectively.
Synergies can be generated with the vocational training project FOPRONH (GIZ) and the project for improving the school infrastructure, PROMINE (KfW Development Bank). This supports the transition from the ninth to the tenth year of school and the development of two model vocational school centres in school networks.