Supporting the Jordanian Educational Institutions in Offering Labour Market Oriented Vocational Training
Project description
Title: Labour Market Oriented Vocational Education, Higher Education and Training (MOVE-HET)
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Country: Jordan
Lead Executing Agency: Ministry of Labour
Overall term: 2017 to 2023
In recent years, the unemployment rate in Jordan has increased significantly, which has impacted young people in particularly. While Jordanian companies lack qualified skilled workers, the vocational and higher education institutions often focus rather on theory than practice. Technical and vocational education and training (TVET) is undervalued, while the private sector has not yet been systematically involved in developing and implementing vocational education programmes.
Vocational Training and Higher Education increasingly meet the needs of the Jordanian labour market.

MOVE-HET works based on the idea that a labour market-oriented educational system can only be established if all relevant actors work closely together. It supports the Jordanian Ministry of Labour and relevant stakeholders in instigating strong and effective public–private partnerships and in establishing private-led dialogue platforms Other measures support the development of the Jordanian National Qualifications Framework.
Furthermore, the project supports the establishment and implementation of cooperative TVET courses and dual study programmes in higher education and TVET institutions, as well as the establishment of Centers of Excellence (CoE). These measures reduce the gap between supply and demand in the labour market and improve the employability of both university and TVET graduates. The project also provides capacity building and policy advise to its partners, e.g. the establishment of consolidated labour market information for the nursing sector, which enables evidence-based policy recommendations.
MOVE-HET operates along with three co-financing agreements. Partners are the Kuwait Fund for the Advancement of Sciences (KFAS) together with whom the project extends vocational training in information and communications technology (ICT) to Syrian refugees, the Korea International Cooperation Agency, which dedicates funds to establish a specialised industrial school in Zarqa, and the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands for an initiative aiming to empower Jordanian youth by providing technical and soft skills to meet the employer demands in ICT.
Last update: September 2022