Promoting biodiversity and climate protection through improved wetlands management
Project description
Title: Wetlands Management for Biodiversity and Climate Protection
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV)
Country: India
Lead executing agency: Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC)
Overall term: 2018 to 2023

There are over 750,000 wetlands in India, spread over 152,600 square kilometres across ten bio-geographic zones. They exhibit enormous diversity and support a variety of ecosystem services which make them an integral component of biodiversity conservation, water and food security as well as climate protection. In addition, they also provide cultural and recreational benefits. Wetlands directly and indirectly support the livelihoods of millions of Indians. In India, 75 wetlands of international importance have been designated under the Ramsar Convention.
Many wetlands are threatened by reclamation and degradation through drainage and landfill, pollution, hydrological alteration, over-exploitation and climate change, resulting in loss of biodiversity and disruption in ecosystem benefits to the society.
The ecosystem-based integrated management of wetlands of international importance (Ramsar sites) is enhanced through building of capacity and networks in India.

The Wetlands Management for Biodiversity and Climate Protection project has four main output areas that define its implementation approach:
- Integrated management planning for four pilot Ramsar sites based on biodiversity, ecosystem services and climate change risks
- Developing capacities of national, state and site-level stakeholders for integrated wetland management
- Building up a wetland monitoring system, including an instrument to track management effectiveness
- Implementing ecosystem-based climate-sensitive livelihood measures as a part of Green Recovery measures of the IKI Corona Response Package.
The pilot Ramsar sites under the project are: Pong Dam and Renuka Lake in Himachal Pradesh, Bhitarkanika Mangroves in Odisha, and the Point Calimere Wildlife and Bird Sanctuary in Tamil Nadu.
Last update: January 2023