Improving water security in Bolivia
Project description
Title: Integrated rural development at river basin level (PROCUENCA)
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Co-funded by: European Union (EU)
Country: Bolivia
Lead executing agency: Ministry of Environment and Water, Vice-Ministry of Water and Irrigation
Overall term: 2018 to 2024
Bolivia is among the countries most affected by climate change worldwide. This impacts on the water cycle and is reflected in increasing water scarcity, floods, prolonged droughts and other extreme weather events. In view of increasing water crises and water conflicts, the Bolivian Government has a keen interest in being assisted in its efforts to manage water in a resource-efficient, climate-sensitive manner.
Water resources can be used more responsibly by the relevant players at national, regional and local level.

The project takes a climate-sensitive approach and protects water resources from pollution and overuse.
To this end, the project brings together various players. It supports, among others, the Ministry of Environment and Water and the Vice-Ministry of Water and Irrigation in the implementation of a national plan for water catchment areas. It advises in the strategically important basins of the Río Azero and the Río Guadalquivir on how to jointly develop water management plans and reduce water risks.
Furthermore, the project strengthens the planning, technical and organisational abilities of the national government, the regional governments of Chuquisaca and Tarija, the administrative units, municipalities and civil society.
It promotes the establishment and development of digital data, information and analysis systems that provide a better understanding of the climate, weather, and surface and groundwater resources as well as their quantity and quality. This allows the water supply and demand to be better planned and managed.
Water management plans are being developed for the basins of the Rio Azero and the Rio Guadalquivir. The plans improve water security, reduce water risks and increase the resilience of the population to the effects of climate change.