Advancing the global energy transformation (
Project description
Title: Global Energy Transformation Programme (
Commissioned by: Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Co-funded by: European Union (EU); Directorate-General for International Co-operation (NEDA/DGIS); Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA), Austrian Development Agency (ADA)
Country: Global
Lead executing agency: Department of Infrastructure and Energy of the African Union Commission (AUC)
Overall term: 2018 to 2026

The world faces a dual challenge that needs to be resolved by the middle of this century. While the aim is to provide everybody with access to energy, the great challenge here is not only the growing demand for energy, but also the need to fully decarbonise the energy supply at the same time. The COVID-19 pandemic has made the energy and climate challenges facing the world even more urgent, and the impacts of the pandemic threaten to erase much of the progress already made.
Technically and economically, solutions to tackle the dual challenge of increased energy demand and phasing out emissions are already available today. Yet more coordination and concerted action are needed to leverage their full mitigation potential at the required pace.
The conditions for investment in the global energy transformation are improved.
Approach is a multi-donor platform that bundles European forces in order to scale-up joint action on climate and energy challenges.
Co-funded by the European Union, Germany, Sweden, the Netherlands and Austria, the programme operates on a global scale, but places a special focus on Africa as a high-impact region.
Thanks to a flexible set-up with agile instruments, can provide direct input into other European or bilateral programmes. is a platform with complementary instruments that accelerate progress towards energy sector transformation and contribute towards achieving international energy and climate goals.
The instruments simultaneously
- mobilise private investments in decentralised energy (GET.invest),
- assist public partners in advancing their energy sector transformation (GET.transform), and
- foster the strategic energy dialogue between Africa and Europe (Secretariat of the Africa-EU Energy Partnership).
By working with both the public and the private sector, helps to bring about the alignment and the conditions needed to push the energy transition forward in an integrated manner. The instruments enable focused and scalable interventions to unlock progress at strategy, policy and implementation levels.
Results draws on 13 years of experience gained from its predecessor programme EU Energy Initiative Partnership Dialogue Facility (EUEI PDF). To date, the programme has substantially contributed to an effective dialogue between Africa and Europe on energy, helped improve the political and regulatory framework for sustainable energy, and facilitated financing for 58 decentral renewable energy projects.
Last update: January 2023