Supporting Sierra Leone in building a Resilient Health System in Kambia, Kailahun and in Pujehun
Project description
Title: Health Systems Strengthening and Epidemic Prevention in Sierra Leone II
Commissioned by: Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Country: Sierra Leone
Lead executing agency: Ministry of Health and Sanitation (MoHS) of Sierra Leone
Overall term: 2020 to 2023

Sierra Leone has repeatedly been challenged by outbreaks of infectious diseases, such as the Ebola epidemic from 2014 to 2016 or the current COVID-19 pandemic and others. Despite national and international efforts to strengthen the country’s health system, it remains fragile. The situation is particularly precarious with regard to maternal and child health and the related system for collecting and processing health related data. This requires better coordination of management at all levels.
In response the Health Systems Strengthening and Epidemic Prevention Project was launched for a second project phase (2020-2023) to increase health system resilience.
The healthcare system in selected districts in Sierra Leone is better targeted to the health needs of the population.
In the current second phase the project is focusing on the following measures:
To improve decentralised human resource development and management, it focuses on the development of the electronic integrated Human Resource management system (IHRIS), promotes rural staff retention and conducts training with a special focus on Basic Emergency Obstetric and Neonatal Care.
The project is cooperating with the MoHS to decentralise the management of health services. District planning, budgeting and stakeholder coordination is the main focus. A Data Quality Audit and a digital tool for supportive supervision visits were developed and are being implemented in community health centers. This will improve data quality in the districts and enable Health Staff to self-assess their facilities. In addition, the project supports the data quality and use by undertaking quarterly data quality audits in 18 community health centers.
The project supports the institutionalisation of epidemic prevention by developing One-Health (OH) Platforms. This includes OH Community Committees in the project Districts that collaborate with the Point of Entry Unit, to better prepare for infectious disease outbreaks and promote cross-border cooperation with neighboring regions in Guinea and Liberia. This will bring relevant stakeholders from the human health, animal health, and environmental sector together.
Last update: January 2022