Supporting food security and resilience in Kismayo
Project description
Title: Food security through resilience strengthening in the new settlements of Kismayo
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Country: Somalia
Lead executing agency: Jubaland Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation
Overall term: 2017 to 2023

Somalia is one of the most fragile countries in the world (second place on the Fragile States Index 2022). Increasingly frequent extreme weather events such as droughts, flooding and cyclones cause widespread devastation to residential areas, farmland and animal stocks, destroying the livelihoods and food resources of the largely rural population. There is currently one of the most severe droughts in recent decades. Its effects endanger the livelihood of almost half the population of Somalia.
The project region of Lower Juba is one of those affected by the drought, but also a region that receives internally displaced persons as a result of drought conditions elsewhere. The rising number of persons displaced by drought and returnees intensifies the already precarious food situation. There is a lack of access to potable and non-potable water, climate-resistant food sources and income opportunities in particular.
The livelihood of internally displaced persons, voluntary Somalian returnees and the local population in Kismayo is improved.

The project improves the resilience of vulnerable households in Kismayo. Direct measures in agriculture and water and sanitation services plus measures to raise incomes are aimed at providing better nutrition for the population.
For instance, the project is establishing a water agency that provides drinking water. It also cooperates with the regional ministry of water to support its coordination and regulatory functions. Additional training courses in schools promote nutrition and hygiene practices.
A further aim of the project is to raise people's earnings by creating income opportunities (cash for work), promoting employability and providing energy-saving charcoal-burning stoves.
The project also plays a part in improving people's knowledge of nutrition and growing suitable food.
All these activities contribute to the population being able to better survive the droughts.

Last update: January 2023