Support for the implementation of the Paris Agreement
Project description
Title: Support project for the implementation of the Paris Agreement (SPA)
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV)
Country: Global
Overall term: 2016 to 2024

The adoption of the Paris Agreement in December 2015 marked a new chapter for international cooperation on climate. For the first time ever, almost all member states of the United Nations are contributing to the fight against climate change. The joint aim is to limit global warming to 2°C – and where possible to 1.5°C.
To achieve this, all countries have undertaken to develop their own climate targets in the context of their nationally determined contributions (NDC). Moreover, they will submit reports on their emissions and activities within an Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) and strengthen their contributions to climate change mitigation over the course of time.
To significantly limit global warming, the Paris Agreement must be implemented quickly and effectively. This is a huge challenge that can only be met if all countries are committed to working together. The international community is therefore helping developing countries to fulfil their obligations. In addition to direct climate financing, it is supporting dialogue between national representatives and the development of knowledge, skills and access to financing. To this end, the community has set up global initiatives as well as other measures.
Global initiatives are supporting partner countries in implementing their nationally determined contributions to climate change mitigation, in developing national measuring and reporting systems for greenhouse gas emissions and in realising climate change mitigation activities.
On behalf of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV), the project team is working at the nexus of Germany’s international climate policies and development cooperation. The project advises on a range of topics, with the aim of finding the right solutions to specific needs.
The project aims to strengthen global initiatives and networks that support partner countries in reducing their greenhouse gas emissions, increasing their adaptability and delivering ambitious reporting.
Cooperation with various initiatives and networks also promotes the development of platforms for political and technical dialogue and the exchange of knowledge between countries.
With this in mind, the project is developing suitable formats, organising conferences and workshops and providing analyses, knowledge products and successful case studies on transparency, long-term strategies (LTS) and the implementation of NDCs. It is therefore making a significant contribution to international learning and to establishing links between the issues of climate change mitigation, biological diversity, disaster risk management and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) worldwide.
The project focuses on supporting the implementation of the Paris Agreement in two important areas: implementation of NDCs and transparency. In terms of NDC support, the project works with two initiatives: the NDC Partnership and the Low Emission Development Strategies Global Partnership (LEDS GP). It also engages in close cooperation with the NAP Global Network.
With regards to the NDC Partnership, the project has supported so-called country engagement processes in over 40 developing countries. The resulting ‘Partnership Plans’ outline national objectives for NDC implementation and map out contributions of internationally funded projects. This highlights funding gaps and provides the means for enhanced donor coordination. In this process, the project liaises with projects financed through the International Climate Initiative projects, which have been included in the Partnership Plans of 16 countries.
The project also hosts the secretariat of LEDS GP and supports the dialogue between national representatives. Project experts provide targeted, technical support in regional and topical working groups, for instance on the issues of low-carbon mobility and energy, mobilising private investments and sustainable rural development and land use.
As secretariat of the Partnership for Transparency in the Paris Agreement, the project supports the implementation of an important element of the Paris Agreement. The Partnership is considered by many members to provide a valuable space in which they can openly discuss issues about climate negotiations – even sensitive ones. This facilitates joint learning and political dialogue between actors and leads to enhance mutual understanding and trust. Thanks to online formats, global, regional and national events and knowledge management, the Partnership has helped partner countries to establish ambitious transparency systems and achieve fair results and resolutions in climate negotiations.